Sub Tribal Component
CPRG is currently working on the analysis of and improvement in the efficacy of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) Project on ‘Impact of the Tribal Sub-Plan implementation in improving the socio-economic conditions of the tribal people with reference to Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and Assam’.
The government adopted the Tribal Sub-Plan as a strategy to safeguard the socioeconomic development of India’s tribal population. It is a component of a State or Union Territory’s annual plan. The primary goal of the Schedule Tribe Component is to direct/monitor the flow of expenditures and benefits from the general sectors in the Central Ministries/Departments for the development of Schedule Tribes, at least proportionate to the tribal population in the area.
This project aims to assess the impact of the Tribal Sub-Plan strategy in improving socio-economic conditions of Scheduled Tribes, and assess the extent to which it has been successful in fulfilling its objectives. The study will evaluate the administrative, legal and other support measures of TSP, and examine the pattern of budgetary allocation and expenditure under TSP during 2010-2020. The study will be qualitative in nature, involving the use of structured and unstructured interviews with community members, office bearers of local government institutions such as members of Panchayati Raj Institutions for Chattisgarh/ Rajasthan and members of autonomous council for Assam, and officials of the Block Development Office, District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), and Large Multipurpose Cooperative Society.