Any civilisation thrives on smooth administration and equal division of labor. They are also what comprises the term ‘governance’. Governance is the administration and authority over the allocation of resources. It is the actual exercise of management of power and policy whereas Government is the instrument that carries out the exercise. Hence, good governance encompasses the efficient functioning of legislature, judiciary, executive, private institutions, NGOs, as well as the cooperation of the people. There are 8 key characteristics of good governance. It is participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective, and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rules of law. Center of Policy Research and Governance has taken steps in the right direction in furthering the objective of Good Governance by providing the information and transparency towards the working of Parliament and Standing Committee in the passage of bills, Policy, Reports, Demand for grants.
CPRG is currently preparing summary reports on the Parliamentary Standing Committee reports in all areas, such as social justice and empowerment, rural development, external affairs, defense, and skill development, among others. The goal is to bring to the public domain the key findings of these reports which can be utilized in further policy-making and analysis. The initiative also attempts to bring policy-related debates into the public domain. This project will explain decisions made in the parliament to the public in an informative, precise yet simple format.
- Educate the public on new Bills and Policies, Annual reports, and Demand for Grants inside the Parliament House. Explain what such parliamentary decisions mean and how they are relevant to the citizens of India. The initiative will also focus on the processes and procedures followed by the government in the process of making a bill into an act, thereby ensuring transparency and participation. It will also encourage the general population to engage either directly or through legitimate intermediate institutions or representatives as stakeholders in the governance of the country. CPRG hopes to encourage a sense of responsibility and critical interest in policy and governance decisions.
- An extension of the first goal, the second goal of CPRG is to highlight the entire proceedings of the Standing Committee from its constitution to those working who are nominated by the ruling Committee/General Committee.
- The final goal of the project is to present Summaries of Reports presented in the Parliament either by Rajya Sabha or Lok Sabha or by the Standing Committee of the concerned Ministry/Department.
- The Summaries will comprise the Annual Reports of the Ministries/ Departments, Policies, and Bills presented in the House including the action taken reports on any Bill/Policy.